After graduating in law from Chuo University in 1967, he went to work for the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. After serving in the Bureau of Economic Affairs, the Meguro City administration, Bureau of Policy and Planning, and the Bureaus of Public Health, City Planning, and Citizens and Cultural Affairs, he was successively Senior Director of the Senior Citizens and Welfare Division, Senior Director of the Planning and Coordination Division, and Deputy Director General in charge of Policy and Public Affairs. For four years, he served as Vice Governor in charge of finance, urban planning, crisis management, and disaster prevention, retiring in 2003. Currently, Member of Tokyo Urban Planning Council , Chair of Tokyo Council of Social Welfare, Chair of Tokyo Nougyo Kaigi and Chair of Personnel Commission, Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
Academic degrees:
Ph.D. (political science)
Research fields:
Local government policy, urban policy, crisis management and biographical writing on Japanese historical figures
Main books and papers:
◆“Sekai no machikado kara Tokyo o kangaeru” (“Tokyo Viewed from Street Corners around the World”), Fujiwara-Shoten
◆“Juman-nin no homeless ni sumai o, America shakai-shugi kigyo no chosen” (“Housing for 100,000 Homeless People – Attempt by American Socialism-oriented Businesses”), Fujiwara-Shoten
◆“Toshi no governance” (“Governance in the City”), SANSEIDO
◆“Jichitai no seisaku sozo kenkyu” (“Study on Policy Making of Local Government”), SANSEIDO
◆“Shosetsu Goto Shinpei” (“A Novel about Goto Shinpei”), GAKUYO SHOBO
◆“London Plan” editing, Toshi Shuppan
◆“Tsukon no edo Tokyo shi” (“Heartbreaking History of Edo and Tokyo”) (SHODENSHA)
◆“Ishihara tosei fukuchiji note” (“Notebook by the Vice Governor of Tokyo under the Ishihara Administration”), HEIBONSHA