Research fields:
Western history, American history
Research themes:
American policies toward Asia from the late 19th century to the early 20th century, anti-imperialist movements in America
[Keywords] History of political diplomacy, history of Japanese-American relations
Main books and papers:
◆The Introduction of American Technology into the Japanese Electric Industry (Ph.D. Dissertation) (1986)
◆“The Whiskey Rebellion and the Washington Administration” (“Uisuki no hanran to Washinton seiken)” (paper) (“Sundai Historical Review (Sundai Shigaku),” No. 81, February 1991)
◆“Guide to American Studies in Japan” (“Amerika kenkyu annai”) (co-authored, University of Tokyo Press, 1998)
◆“An introductry Guide of the Study of American History” (“Amerikashi kenkyu nyumon”) (co-authored, Yamakawa Shuppansha, 2009)
◆“Revisionism in Histories” (“Rekishi ni okeru ‘shusei shugi’ ”) (co-authored, Aoki Shoten Publishing Co., 1999)
◆“America Viewed from the Asian Periphery, 1850-1950” (“Ajia shuen kara mita Amerika 1850-1950 nen”) (co-authored, Sairyusha, 2010)
◆“Discrepancies between Rhetoric and Realities” The Japanese Journal of American Studies No. 12 (paper) (2001)
◆“The Spanish-American-Cuban-Filipino War” (“Supein Amerika Kyuba Fuiripin senso”) (“Sundai Historical Review (Sundai Shigaku),” No. 112, March 2001)
◆“Gap in Japanese-American Mutual Understanding” (“Nichibei sogorikai no gyappu”) (“Japan and International Intellectual Exchanges in the Twenty-first Century”)(“21 seiki no kokusai chiteki koryu to Nippon) (Chuokoron-Shinsha, 2002)
◆Michael J. Hogan “Paths to Power: The Historiography of American Foreign Relations to 1941” (“Amerika taikoku eno michi – gakusetsushi kara mita taigai seisaku” ) (translated, Sairyusha, 2005)
◆J. Samuel Walker “Prompt and Utter Destruction: Truman and the Use of Atomic Bombs against Japan” (“Genbaku toka to Toruman”) (translation supervised, Sairyusha, 2008)
◆Michael D. Gordin “Five Days in August: How World War II Became a Nuclear War (“Genbaku toka to Amerika jin no kakuishiki”) (co-translated, Sairyusha, 2013)
◆Geoffrey Perret “Old Soldiers Never Die” (“Rohei wa shinazu”) (co-translated, Choeisha , 2016)