Research fields:
International relations, politics, criminal law (intelligence, terrorism, societal security)
Research themes:
The balance between security and rights and freedoms
Main books and papers:
◆“Terorizumu to ha Nani ka – “Kyofu” wo Yomitoku Riterashi” (What is Terrorism? The Literacy to Decode “Fear”) (Keio University Press, 2020)
◆“Interijensu no Kiso Riron (Dai Ni Han)” (Fundamentals of Intelligence (Second Edition)) (Tachibana Shobo, 2014)
◆“The Intelligence Community in Japan: Small Intelligence of Economic Superpower – Reform in Progress,” Bob de Graaff (ed.), Intelligence Communities and Cultures in Asia and the Middle East, pp.149-162, Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2020.
◆“Assessing Reform of the Japanese Intelligence Community,” International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, 28(4) pp. 717 – 733 2015.