Research fields:
Prehistoric archaeology
Research themes:
Means of livelihood, social structures and habitation activities in Jomon period Japan, archaeological history of Japan, experimental archaeology
[Keywords] Means of livelihood, Jomon period, habitation form
Main books and papers:
◆“Nihonjin harukana tabi” (Far away travel of Japanese people) (Co-authored, NHK Publishing, Inc., 2001, 1,800 yen)
◆“Jomon shakai o saguru” (Probing into the Jomon society) (Co-edited, Gakuseisha, 2003, 2,400 yen)
◆“Ushinawareta shizengaku” (The lost paleethnology) (Sole-authored, Iwanami Shoten, Publishers, 2004, 3,400 yen)
◆“Kokogaku no chosen” (Challenges of archaeology) (Co-authored, Iwanami Shoten, Publishers, 2010, 860 yen)