Research fields:
Clinical Psychology Course, Department of Psycho-Social Studies
Research themes:
Understanding of subjects by means of psychological testing and consideration to support
[Keywords] Psychological assessment, Rorschach test, counseling
Main books and papers:
◆“Rinsho shinrigaku no jissen: Assessment, shien, kenkyu” (Practice of Clinical Psychology: Assessment, Support and Study) (Edited and authored) Kaneko Shobo (2013) (Supervisor: Kanao Yahiro; editors/authors: Yuji Takase, Mitsunori Myogan)
◆“Kashisei no gainen ni motozuku Rorschach ningen undo hanno no naiyo bunseki no imi” (An Effect of a Content Analysis in the Rorschach Human Movement Responses based on the Concept of Visibility) (Sole-authored) Journal of Japan Rorschach Society for the Comprehensive System, Vol. 20, pp. 49-61 (2016)
◆“Shinri test ni okeru ryoteki approach to shitsuteki approach no kankei” (Relationship between Quantitative and Qualitative approaches in the Psychological Tests) (Sole-authored) Meiji University Journal of Psycho-Sociology, Vol. 11, pp. 159-170 (2016)
◆“Rorschach sogo jiritsusei (MOA) shakudo no hyotei kijun to shinraisei” (Rating criteria and reliability of Rorschach Mutuality of Autonomy (MOA) scale) (Sole-authored) Journal of the Japanese Society for the Rorschach and Projective Methods, Vol. 19, pp. 65-74 (2015)