Research fields:
Japanese history major, early modern history (politics and diplomacy fields)
Research themes:
To elucidate the historical dimensions of early modern Japan by featuring political diplomacy in the period of the Shokuho (Oda-Toyotomi) government and issues concerning the formation of the isolationist foreign policy with a focus on the impact of the introduction of Christianity
[Keywords] Early modern Japanese history, history of foreign negotiations, Kirishitan (Christian) history, Shokuho (Oda-Toyotomi) government, Tokugawa government
Main books and papers:
◆“Kirishitan Daimyo” (Christian Feudal Lord) (Joint author/Supervised by Takashi Gonoi) Miyaobi Publishing Co., Ltd., 2017
◆“Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s Land of the Gods Proclamation: The Basic Character of the Order Banishing ‘Bateren’ (Portuguese Jesuits) and Hideyoshi’s Religious Policy” Journal of Historical Studies No. 958, 2017
◆“‘Kinseika’ Ron to Nihon: ‘Higashiajia’ no Toraekata wo Megutte” (“Early modernization” theory and Japan: over the Perspective of the “East Asia”) (Joint author/Edited by Mitsuaki Shimizu) Bensei Publishing Inc., 2015
◆“Kinsei Nihon no Kirishitan Kinsei: Chikyu-teki Sekai to Kokka/Minshu” (The Ban on Christianity in Early Modern Japan: The Global World and Nation/People) Journal of Historical Studies No. 924, 2014
◆“‘Iberian Impact’ Reconsidered: Military Characteristics of the Society of Jesus” Historical Journal Vol.773, 2014
◆“Luzon and Early Modern Japan: ‘Sakoku’ Reconsidered” Tokyodo Shuppan Co. Ltd., 2012