Research fields:
Sociology, social welfare studies, comparative sociology in Japan and China, historical sociology
Research themes:
Formation process of the Japanese welfare state, comparative sociology of social cohesiveness in Japan and China
Main books and papers:
◆“Zainichi Kakyo Kajin no Gendai Shakaigaku: Ekkyoshatachi no Raifu Hisutori” (Contemporary Sociology of Chinese Residents in Japan: Life History of Border Crossers) Minerva Shobo, 2017
◆“Shakai Gyoshuryoku no Nicchu Hikaku Shakaigaku: Sokoku, Dento, Gengo, Ken’i” (Comparative Sociology of Social Cohesiveness in Japan and China: Mother Country, Tradition, Language and Authority) Minerva Shobo, 2016
◆“Nihongata Fukushi Kokka no Keisei to ‘Jugonen Senso’” (Formation of the Japanese Welfare State and the “Fifteen Years’ War”) Minerva Shobo, 1998