
Has innovation “manna” (bread) fallen from heaven?

In recent years, there have been rising expectations for innovation even in Japan, in order to break the social deadlock and to advance to t ...

Can people make an ideal society by learning from ants?

It is said that ants are eusocial insects. In each colony of typical species of ants, a queen ant, worker ants, and a few male ants exist, a ...

Do you offer your personal information if profitable?

It's been a long time since big data started attracting attention, but in reality, it is said that its utilization has not yet gotten into f ...

Visualization of brain activity leads people to their new selves

Brain–machine interfaces (BMI), which allow users to control machines and robotic devices simply by thinking, have been attracting attention ...

There are diverse possibilities for the thermal energy all around us

We enjoy comfortable lives by changing energy such as electricity or heat into the forms we need. However, if we look at the efficiency of c ...

Modern manufacturing begins with creating artificial intelligence

Recently, attention has been given to data chemical engineering, which relates to the creation of chemical products and the production of ne ...

Robots that are useful to us evolve out of the inconveniences in our daily life

Robots may be just robots, but our impression of them varies according to the individual. As you know, humanoids, AI (artificial intelligenc ...

It is people that are preventing the spread of robots that help people’s lives

A society in which humanoid robots (human-like robots) perform various chores on behalf of people is a dream for us, but it is not easy to a ...

Intelligence studies: how can we bring about a “balance” between security and rights and freedoms?

Put in extremely simple terms, intelligence studies is the academic field which considers “the appropriate nature of the system involving in ...