Research fields:
Issues related to the history of national strategy, military history, the Emperor system, colonial rule, and war responsibility in modern and contemporary Japan; theories of historical awareness and historical education
Research themes:
[Keywords] The Asia-Pacific War, expansionism strategy, issues of war responsibility
Academic degrees:
Ph. D. (History, Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Main books and papers:
◆Daigensui Showa Tenno (“The Showa Emperor, Commander-in-Chief”) (Shin Nihon Shuppansha, 1994)
◆Gunbi kakucho no kindaishi – Nihongun no bocho to hokai – (“The Modern History of Military Aggrandizement: the Expansion and Collapse of the Imperial Japanese Army”) (Yoshikawa Koubunkan, 1997)
◆Showa Tenno no gunji shiso to senryaku (“The Showa Emperor’s Military Thought and Strategy”) (Azekura Shobo, 2002)
◆Sekaishi no naka no nichiro senso (“The Russo-Japanese War in World History”) (Yoshikawa Koubunkan, 2009)
◆Noborito Kenkyusho kara kangaeru senso to heiwa (“Thinking about War and Peace from the Noborito Laboratory”) (coauthor, Fuyo Shobo Shuppan, 2010)
◆Rikugun Noborito Kenkyusho (himitsu sen) no sekai (“The World of the Army Noborito Laboratory (Clandestine Warfare)” (coauthor, Meiji University Press, 2012)
◆Nihon wa kako to do mukiatte kitaka (“How Has Japan Faced the Past?”) (Koubunken, 2013)
◆Heishitachi no senjo (“The Soldiers’ Battlefield”) (Iwanami Shoten, 2015)