Research fields:
Political science
Research themes:
Study of political attitude, study of voting behavior, and election analysis
Main books and papers:
◆“Seiji-shakai ishiki no genzai – jiminto-itto-yui no shuen to kakusa shakai –” (Political and Social Awareness Today: The End of LDP’s One-party Dominance and Income Gap Society) (Hokuju Shuppan, 2008)
◆“Henkakuki ni okeru seiken to yoron” (Political Administration and Public Opinions in the Age of Reform) (Authored and edited, Hokuju Shuppan, 2010)
◆“Yoron chosa o yomu – Q&A kara miru nipponjin no ishiki –” (Reading the Public Opinion Survey: The Japanese Consciousness Observed from Q&As) (Meiji University Publishing, 2013)
◆“America bunretsu – suji kara yomitoku daitoryo senkyo –” (The American Divide: Presidential Election Explained from Figures) (Meiji University Publishing, 2017)