Research fields:
Criminal law (criminology, offender treatment law, and juvenile law)
Research themes:
Various problems in crime control activities related to juvenile law and juvenile cases
Main books and papers:
◆“Hogoshobun no seitoka konkyo” (Grounds for Justification of Protective Measures) contained in the joint work “Keijihogaku niokeru toposuron no jissen” (Practice of Topos Theory in Criminal Law), co-authored, published by Seibundo Publishing in 2014
◆“Hayasugita kouseiyouken no jitsugen” (Too Early Realization of Structural Requirements) contained in the joint work “Keiho zeminaru soron” (General Remarks from the Seminar on Penal Code), co-authored, published by Seibundo Publishing in 2012
◆“Keijishiho no minshuka” (Democratization of Criminal Justice) contained in Vol. 82, Nos. 2 and 3 of Collected Papers on Law published in 2010
◆“Shonenho no tekiyonenrei nitsuite” (Age for Application of Juvenile Law) contained in Vol. 82 No. 1 of Collected Papers on Law published in 2009
◆“Bakkinkei no gorika” (Rationalization of Paying Penalty) contained in Vol. 81, Nos. 4 and 5 of Collected Papers on Law published in 2009
◆“Jojokantei” (Judgment of Circumstances) contained in the joint work “Shakai nonakano keijishiho to hanzaisha” (Criminal Justice and Offenders in Society), co-authored, published by Nippon Hyoron Sha in 2007