
ISHII Michiko

Emeritus Professor,
Former Professor, School of Law (~2023),
Meiji University

SDGs theme

Research fields:
Civil law, family law, medical law

Research themes:
Research on legal issues relating to the development of life science and the family
[Keywords] family, medical care, human rights

Main books and papers:
◆“Seishoku hojo iryo kiseiho no arikata” (A Model Law of Medically Assisted Reproductive Technology) HORITSU RONSO, Vol. 89, No. 2 and 3
◆“Seishoku hojo iryo ni yotte umareta ko no oyakoho no arikata” (A Model Parentage Law of Children Born by Medically Assisted Reproductive Technology) HORITSU RONSO, Vol. 89, No. 4 and 5