Research fields:
Arts and Media major, modern and contemporary literature and art
Research themes:
What is the relationship between “the end of literature” and “the end of art”?
And how does “the end of the ego” relate to it?
[Keywords] The end of identity, the end of art, the end of love
Main books and papers:
◆“Bi no Nippon, ‘Mononoaware’ kara ‘Kawaii’ made” (Japan of Beauty, from ‘Mononoaware’ to ‘Kawaii’) Meiji University Press, 2018
◆“Meisaku ha Kakureteiru” (Masterpiece is Hidden) (Coauthor) Minerva Shobo, 2009
◆“Jiga kara no Tousou: Gendai Bungaku ni Okeru Watashi toha” (Escape from the Ego: What “I” Am in Modern Literature) Bungakukai April 2007, Bungei Shunjuu “‘Kokuhaku’ no Yuuwaku”, Bungei Shunjuu Bessatsu “So Tokushuu: Mishima Yukio”, 2005
◆“Ichiyo: Sono Shisen no En-iki” (Ichiyo: Area of Her Eyes) Kokubungaku: Kaishaku to Kyozai no Kenkyuu August 2008, Gakutosha
◆“Kokuhaku no Bungaku” (Literature of Confession) Choeisha, 2002
◆“Tasha no Arika: Akutagawa no Gengoron” (Whereabout of the Other: Linguistic Theory of Akutagawa) Gunzo June 2002, Kodansha