
Won’t Japan’s current system eliminate wrongful convictions!?

The Hakamada case, a robbery, murder, and arson case in 1966, resulted in a death sentence in 1980. In December 2020, the Supreme Court reve ...

Tax avoidance is not illegal, but is it unfair!?

With the release of the so-called Panama Papers in 2016, there has been an increase in media coverage of tax avoidance in Japan. On the othe ...

The intestinal environment is key to immune regulation!

Immunity is involved in various aspects of our health, such as allergies and infectious diseases. Our research group aims to elucidate the m ...

Considering carbon neutrality from water in buildings

Against the backdrop of global warming, countries around the world are moving toward achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. Extending the life ...

What is preventing the closing of the gender gap?

In recent years, discrimination against women and gender stereotypes have been raised as significant social issues. However, in reality, the ...

Coronavirus pandemic insights become valuable assets for society

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we had to grapple for decisions concerning economic policies because the structure of modern society is very d ...

Have the functions of pawnshops been rediscovered during the pandemic!?

Although we often used to see pawnshops on the street, we do not see many of them these days. It is said that the use of pawnshops that help ...

We might find the way that eating prevents weight gain

It is common for people to put on weight in middle age even though they were not overweight when they were young. It was thought that this i ...

Can we say for sure it is post-feminism?

Recently, more and more young women have a scary image of feminism. The reason behind this is a lack of proper knowledge about feminism. I t ...