
Will cities become more virtual due to COVID-19 led migration?

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has reportedly triggered an outflow of population from Tokyo to other prefectures. Looking at the data, howev ...

Would you like to know why a snow crystal is a beautiful hexagon?

Whenever you think of a crystal, many of you may image the form of a snow crystal displaying six sprouted arms. But why does a snow crystal ...

Museums have started to evolve into inclusive museums

It is said that the presentation techniques of museums (including resource centers, art museums, literature museums, science museums, etc.) ...

Is The Tale of Genji a serious story full of criticism?

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic made us stay home and restricted interaction with foreign countries, which promoted self-reflection. Many of ...

Animated geometric shapes and/or graphs changing in form with changing numbers will expand the world of mathematics

In Fiscal 2022, the revised National Curriculum Standards will come into effect for senior high school curriculum formulation. One of the fe ...

“Toxic” schools – overlooking the rights of children and of teachers

In recent years, “toxic” environments, in which different kinds of harassment take place, have been pointed out in various areas of society. ...

Don’t lose the sight of objectives: being successful in business communication

There has been increasing interest in communication skills in the workplace. Those who feel lack communication skills might become anxious. ...

Beyond the pros and cons of the current introduction of Morals to compulsory education

Morals was made an official subject for elementary schools from April 2018, and it will also become one for junior high schools in 2019. Thi ...

The era of Sports Co-Creation

With the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics approaching fast, sports have gained increased attention. On the other hand, although the rate ...