
The Importance of Testing by External English-Language Certifying Examinations and their Adoption—Training Human Resources Who Can Succeed on the World Stage

To people today, living in a global society, learning English or another foreign language is becoming a basic requirement. People need to le ...

Dreaming of Winning the Hakone Ekiden Long-Distance Road Relay -Tracing 20 Years of Struggle by the Track and Field Club-

I was named the advisor to the Track and Field Club exactly 20 years ago, in 1995. As I prepare for retirement after 43 years as an educator ...

Breaking Free From Issues in Contemporary Job Seeking -Recommendations for Students and Employers Bound by a Unified Value System-

Q: In the face of various issues, the time at which students are able to begin activities to seek work (i.e., the time when employers begin ...

Training the Global Human Resources that are in Demand Today

Together with the progress of globalization, developing global human resources capable of thriving on the global stage, across national boun ...

Opinions on English Language Study: Clear Goals Are the Key to English Acquisition – The Current State of “Japanese English” –

As a graduate student in the United States, I majored in Modern Japanese Literature, and in 1980 I came to Japan as a research student in th ...

“Challenge opens doors to the future – Arguments about rhetorical criticism today and young people”

The subject of my research is “Rhetoric as the art of public persuasion.” First off, I would like to begin by explaining how I came to decid ...

“Mathematics is a tool for problem solving.”

The relationship between mathematical science – in particular, mathematics, which is at its core – and society tends to become obscure, main ...