
Citizenship education in Japan lags more than 40 years behind the world!?

In response to the lowering of the voting age to 18 in 2016, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and the Mini ...

Compulsory “geography” in high school will no longer be a subject that requires meticulous memorizing, but one that provides a unique pleasure

Geography will become a compulsory subject in high school in 2022. Why is this happening? When we think about its meaning and significance, ...

Adults’ ingenious ideas make children geniuses at foreign language

In the new Course of Study, scheduled to be implemented in FY2020, foreign language (English) study will become a compulsory subject for upp ...

Do sports help you develop obedience, or independence?

There are never-ceasing scandals such as sexual harassment, power harassment and violence in the sports settings. They tend to be seen as pr ...

Can Japan, with the Asia’s lowest TOEFL Speaking Score, change?

Under the English educational reforms set to take effect in the 2020 academic year, English language will become a compulsory subject beginn ...

Now is the time to study abroad to open yourself up to the diversity of the world

The tendency toward nationalism has grown stronger throughout the world, including in the United States. The importance of international edu ...

The Nobel Laureate, Professor Ohsumi’s lab was filled with freedom and curiosity

The 2016 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to a Japanese professor, Yoshinori Ohsumi, for elucidating the molecular mechanis ...

Is It Good that Teachers Can Keep Going with a Busy Schedule?

Recently, teachers’ tight schedules have frequently been reported in the media. This may make many people think that working as a teacher is ...

Wave of Ethnography in Japan

Do you all know what “ethnography” is? Originally, it was a method of research used by cultural anthropologists in studying unknown ethnic g ...