
“America First” will not lead to a new international economic order

Since 2018, the trade friction between the United States and China has surfaced and intensified. On the one hand, it could be said to be a r ...

Unique loose nature of Africa will be a key to African-style development

Africa is said to be a very promising area for the future, since the population is increasing across the entire continent and the productive ...

Does Japan have America’s ability to attract immigrants?

Ever since Trump’s inauguration as President of the US, his administration has taken the stance of restricting immigration. The underlying f ...

The mixed emotions of pro-Japanese Taiwan are revealed through tracing history

Taiwan is said to be the most pro-Japanese country. Perhaps because of this, there are so many Japanese tourists there. But why is Taiwan, a ...

Ancient tumuli (kofuns) in Japan registered as World Heritage sites have a uniqueness we can be proud of

In July 2019, Mozu-Furuichi Kofungun Ancient Tumulus Clusters, including “Nintoku-tenno-ryo Kofun” (Daisen Kofun), which is known as the lar ...

The advance of Japanese businesses into the Asian market provides an opportunity to reconsider how the Japanese should be

In recent years, “regional business strategy” in the emerging economies of Asia has attracted public attention in business circles. This ter ...

How to manage “Organizational Paradox” in the context of globalization

These days, globalization of the business environment has become increasingly prominent; at the same time, countries and regions commonly re ...

Japan’s cooperation to Africa and the future of Japanese economy

The Seventh Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD 7) began in Yokohama on August 28 to discuss African economic devel ...

Enhanced local autonomy as a driving force for modern democracy

In recent years, some disputes between national and local governments have come into the spotlight. The United Kingdom has decided to leave ...