
In agriculture, a person is big data. The goal is an applied system with farmers’ accumulated knowledge

Recently, in Europe and the US, multi-input agriculture, which aims to improve productivity by the use of excess fertilization and spraying ...

Is there a way to make everyone prosperous by regulating leech sites!?

Calls to regulate leech sites that provide links to content that infringes upon copyrights, such as music and animation, have grown. However ...

We can be stronger and more beautiful with the help of intestinal flora

In our aging society, people have become more health conscious, and topics relating to various health methods are constantly discussed in th ...

Challenging the wall of 1/100 second, aiming for an effective hearing aid for the elderly

Japan is now becoming an aged society, where one in four people is a person aged 65 years or over. Mechanisms to support functions of the bo ...

Using computer graphics and spreading the joy of creation

Today, computer graphics (CG) are an essential technology in entertainment such as movies and games. CG is also used in various other fields ...

Making use of advanced optical measurement technology for the evolution of diesel engines

Have you heard of the Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP)? It is a national project to bring about innovation in ...

Scared? Convenient? It’s already begun—the society of AI on the job

Recently, artificial intelligence (AI) has been in the spotlight. People are talking a program that beat a master at the game of go, a hotel ...

Artificial Intelligence That Evolves Marketing

Do you remember the term “big data”? At the beginning of this decade, the media often used the term, yet we seldom hear it these days. In re ...

New Research to Uncover Infertility Mechanism

Herpes virus is known as the cause of herpes, a disease with symptom of painful or itchy, small blisters around the lips and on the genitals ...