“Black companies” don’t recognize that they don’t regard their employees as fully human

Incidents in which employees die from overwork or commit suicide due to illegal overtime work are continuing to occur. In recent years, the ...

Future challenges surrounding the 300,000 International Students Plan

Are you familiar with a policy called the 300,000 International Students Plan? It can be described as a big project that involves not only t ...

“The beginner’s mind is found many times in a lifetime”: the true meaning of Zeami’s words

Noh drama is said to have the longest history of any form of traditional theater worldwide which remains in existence, and has been designat ...

Is there an Olympic Movement happening in Japan?

There have been a variety of gender and sexual related problems in the sports world in recent years. What is behind these problems? And how ...

The Human Library initiative: Touching on the roots of diversity

Recently the term “diversity” has come into common use. Companies are said to be focusing on diversity management. But what kinds of efforts ...

“Japanese-style TPP” should be promoted to build an “East Asia Community”

Although agreement on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was roughly reached in 2015, it is now deadlocked due to Trump’s announcement to a ...

Is “kawaii” fashion popular in France, too?

Japanese manga and anime have gained international recognition for some time now. In addition, the Japanese media often report that “kawaii, ...

That forgotten in the 20th century may give us a clue on living in the 21st century

In 2016, the number of live births in Japan dipped below one million for the first time since statistics began being collected in 1899. This ...

Education, the One Thing that Cannot Be Taken Away—Fulfilling the Hopes of Palestinian Refugees

When Israel was founded following World War II, many Palestinians were forced from their homes and ended up refugees. They are still unable ...