List of Articles

The desired form of graves in the SDGs era

In Japan, the high population density in large cities and depopulation in rural areas have caused serious problems in various fields. Furthe ...

Citizenship education in Japan lags more than 40 years behind the world!?

In response to the lowering of the voting age to 18 in 2016, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and the Mini ...

The system of joint custody for the purpose of seeing a child is a mistaken priority

It is said that a system of joint custody after divorce has been under discussion in Japan. In western countries, joint custody has been mai ...

AI becomes a business infrastructure

In recent years, the business application of AI (artificial intelligence), especially machine learning, has been progressing at a steady pac ...

Co-operatives provide a model for achieving decent life and work

Workers’ co-operatives have recently been attracting global attention. Japan is making preparations for enacting a law on workers’ co-operat ...

Compulsory “geography” in high school will no longer be a subject that requires meticulous memorizing, but one that provides a unique pleasure

Geography will become a compulsory subject in high school in 2022. Why is this happening? When we think about its meaning and significance, ...

Will cheap bioplastics appear before marine pollution reaches the limit?

Plastics have been associated with the depletion of oil resources and waste problems for years, and recently, marine pollution caused by pla ...

The message contained in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Volunteers

The Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games are now a little over one year away. Amid rising interest in athletes who are expected to do wel ...

Stock Investment is Becoming “Finance with Love”

There is an image of stock investment as transactions in which investors, with the goal of making profits, buy and sell stocks on a fairly r ...