List of Articles

Evolving Internet Security – Thoughts around the Amendment of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information –

Encryption and Digital Signature for Enhanced Security I specialize in Internet security. I was first involved with the Internet in the earl ...

Light and Shadow in a Brazil that kindhearted Hosts the World Cup A call for intercultural exchange

I first became involved with Brazil in 2009, when I was working at an American university studying my area of specialization of insurance an ...

Business at the Base of the Pyramid Could Save Japan’s Economy –Recommendations from a global marketing perspective–

My research involves the study of global marketing. While there are various ways of interpreting the term marketing, I consider it to refer ...

The Rise of the Activist Shareholder Amendment of the Companies Act will lead to changes in corporate governance

My research covers laws such as the Companies Act, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and the Commodity Derivatives Act. Right now ...

Recommendations for Individuals and Organizations -Society Rampant individuality and the Individuals Needed as Members of Society-

My subject of research is “organizations.” I approach organizations from a sociological perspective and consider the relationships between o ...

Recommendations for the Consumption Tax: Problems on the Consumption Tax -Achieving the Contrivance that Are Required-

In April 2014 the consumption tax was raised for the first time in 17 years to 8%, with another tax increase to 10% slated for the fall 2015 ...

Solving the Problems Rampant throughout a Society with a Shrinking Population Beset by Falling Birthrates and an Aging Population “Changing People’s Way of Thinking through Social Marketing”

I have taken “Industrial psychology” as my field of study. Industrial psychology is scholarship that theoretically and empirically studies h ...

Recommendations to Citizens concerning TPP Negotiations -Deciphering the Course of TPP Negotiations: The Judgment Required of Individual Citizens-

I worked in the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries for 25 years, and was engaged in negotiations over the Trans-Pacific Partner ...

The Japan Growth Strategy and revitalizing SMEs: Helping SMEs grow and advance -SME growth is essential to the nation’s growth-

In research on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) based on my area of specialization of business administration, the link between gro ...