Breaking Free From Issues in Contemporary Job Seeking -Recommendations for Students and Employers Bound by a Unified Value System-

Q: In the face of various issues, the time at which students are able to begin activities to seek work (i.e., the time when employers begin ...

The Negative Effects of Rapid Depreciation of the Yen and the Bank of Japan’s Policy of Quantitative Monetary Easing -A Need for Well-Balanced, Flexible Monetary Policy Management-

There are two fundamental issues behind the recent rapid depreciation of the yen, which has had impacts on areas including our daily lives a ...

Population Decline and Immigration Policy: Toward an Intercultural Japan

After graduating from a university in Tokyo, I moved to New York and went to graduate school in the 1980s. New York is a multiethnic city wi ...

Now is the Time to Think About End-of-Life Issues -Issues Related to the Transition from the Baby Boom Generation to the Post-Baby Boom Generation-

Today medical and welfare systems are being restructured with a focus on the year 2025. This is because that is the year that the baby boom ...

Training the Global Human Resources that are in Demand Today

Together with the progress of globalization, developing global human resources capable of thriving on the global stage, across national boun ...

The Coming Age of 8K SUPER Hi-Vision (Ultra-High-Definition Television) -The Meaning of the Ultimate-

About 90 years ago in 1926, the pursuit of the ability to broadcast images from afar in real time began with the transmission and display of ...

The Psychology of Abuse, a Continual Vicious Cycle -Psychological Support for Trauma and PTSD-

Based on my past experience working in the department of psychoneurology at a university hospital as a clinical psychologist and my current ...

Reviewing the Midterm Elections in the U.S. -Changes in President Obama’s Leadership and the Importance of House-to-House Canvassing-

I believe that behind this defeat of the Democratic Party in the midterm elections is the fact that President Obama’s leadership can no long ...

Readiness for Natural Disasters Occurring in Combination -Views on Disaster Prevention in Contemporary Japan-

Japan’s Disaster Prevention Day, September 1, marks the date of the Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923. More than 100,000 people lost their live ...