Civil Partnership Regulations and the Diverse Nation of Japan: Inward-Looking Patriotism is Bad for Japan

On April 1, 2015, Japan’s first civil partnership regulation was enacted in Tokyo’s Shibuya Ward (Ordinance for Promoting Respect of Gender ...

The Importance of Testing by External English-Language Certifying Examinations and their Adoption—Training Human Resources Who Can Succeed on the World Stage

To people today, living in a global society, learning English or another foreign language is becoming a basic requirement. People need to le ...

Meiji University’s Current Efforts to Support Reconstruction after the Great East Japan Earthquake -Ensuring That Memories of the Disaster Do Not Fade –

Post-Disaster Reconstruction Support under the Direct Supervision of the President — Almost 4 years have passed since the Great East...

Key Companies in “Abenomics” and Revitalization of Local Regions -Recommending Genetic Management of Companies-

The fiscal year ended March 2015 saw a succession of companies announcing final profits and increased dividends, and the Tokyo Stock Exchang ...

Folk Culture is the Starting Point for “Regional Creation” – Recommendations Based on the Relationship between Community Resilience and Traditional Performing Arts and Festivals-

Above All, Listen to Authentic Local Voices With centralization in Tokyo progressing even further and amid the publication of reports...

Toward New Disaster-Resilient Community Development -An Approach Based on “Pre-Disaster Restoration”-

Twenty years have passed since the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and four years since the Great East Japan Earthquake. Over this period, th ...

Let’s Live a Theatrical Live -and Give Up Our Daily Life Holed Up in Social Media-

Our Society is a Huge Theater As long as we live, we constantly have to express our own thoughts through...

Striking a blow at the issue of Japan’s declining birthrate -Causes lie in the increasing tendency towards unmarried, late marriage, and late childbirth-

Japan's continuously declining birthrate is a serious issue greatly impacting social security as well as the overall economy. I am a member ...

The Future of Japan Transformed by Women -The Corporate Organization in Demand Today is One in Which Women Can Thrive-

The Abe Government’s Policies to Promote Women in the Workplace The Abe government considers the promotion of women in the...